Preparing for Next Semester - Devlog 3

Throughout the following weeks, my team plans to prioritize organizing and plotting out the necessary framework for our project.

We are tasked with presenting a strong understanding of the risks and steps that we expect to face once we return from our break and move into the development phase in our second semester. In preparation, we've begun to emphasize routine meets and designated tasks. It's been tricky balancing our availabilities across differing classes and schedules, and it's just as likely - if not more so - that we will face similar challenges during development.

We will attempt to use this opportunity to create a sense of divided work so that a reasonable amountof progress can be made individually. I think one of our greatest struggles this semester was relying on group availability when it often wasn't feasible, and thus, it's become crucial that we plan ahead in order to create a greater sense of confidence in our solo work.

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Hi Ethan!

I commend you on getting a schedule for the next semester started. Knowing your team's focus for the whole project before even starting is a great way to keep yourselves in check, and make sure everything gets done.

I hope you also have a schedule ready for the prototype for this semester, since we do need a greenlight build, I believe.

Either way, good luck!